Angel Marie MonachelliAmazon Review for “What Should I Do?” The Empowering Energy of Honesty
What an awesome children’s series! In this book, Sarah Beliza Tucker helps children learn the power of self-talk, and she also helps adults learn grown-up responses so everyone loves and learns from a typical kid-type incident. Recommended!
James RobertsAmazon Review for “I Quit!” Learning to say I’m sorry.
This book is about dealing with the feelings of disappointment and frustration that come from not being able to be the best at something. Losing can sometimes bring out a lot of negative feelings that we have to deal with. Some of us don’t handle that too well. This story demonstrates ways to handle all those emotions and also shows that it’s healthy to apologize to those we may have hurt with the things we say. The illustrations are bright and colorful and complement the story well. This author has several books available, so check out the other offerings as well.

Kristal LeonReview for – “Help Ringo Tame His Temper”
We are already HUGE fans of the Adventure of Harry and Friends Series, so we were super excited about this new book! This book is helping my son recognize his angry emotions and how to deal with them. As a parent, knowing how best to handle your child’s emotions can be hard- particularly when upset. This book offers helpful tips and strategies on ways you can help them cope with their feelings more constructively. It’s interactive, fun, and engaging; my son loves the book! If you feel like your little one has solid and angry outbursts or tantrums, then absolutely give this book a go!

Andrea F. HarkinsThe Adventures of Harry & Friends brings back the books of yesteryear. Parents and their children can snuggle together somewhere comfortable in the dusk of evening, or any time, and explore these delightful childhood adventures.
Harry is a charming character who makes friends and learns martial arts. His spunky and happy nature is brought to life through stories and life lessons that reflect martial art tenets such as respect, perseverance, and courtesy. His good nature and interactions with his family, friends and his lively inner superhero propel this bright and delightful character into the hearts of all who read these books.
As a mom of a homeschool family and a martial art instructor of children for more than twenty years, I wish I had these books to share and explore with my own children and martial art students years ago!
Bio: Andrea F. Harkins, a/k/a The Martial Arts Woman, is an author of books, a magazine columnist, blogger, and podcaster who motivates thousands of friends, fans, and followers who are inspired by her poignant and positive views on martial arts and life. Her books, The Martial Arts Woman and Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone are available on Amazon.

Jacklyn GionAs a Student, I have had the great pleasure in witnessing Harry the Lizard grow into a colorful and lively character who has long earned his place in the hearts of families who want to instill in their children the greatest principles in life. I vividly remember being a young kid, watching Sarah complete the first sketches of Harry. Over the years, he gained friends, storylines, and animation. To hold these books in my hands, I know I hold decades of work, inspiration, and education. Harry is not only a fun character to read; he pulls his readers into his story and makes them deliberate and consider along the way. Harry and his friends are not interested in just entertainment; they are here to educate and help children become good people.
As a teacher, I truly believe there is no greater lesson than character development. To know that other children will hear those empowering and significant words fills me with hope and pride.
As a Mom, the most wonderful part of holding Harry’s books is getting to share him with my three-year old daughter. I read to her all three of Harry’s current books, and she sat and listened intently without loosing attention, a rarity with longer books. More than that, she later recalled certain parts of Harry’s story and mentioned them to me, like the monkey bars or the martial arts itself. More importantly, she will learn the significant lessons I gained from my own Martial Arts Training: perseverance, discipline, respect, and so much more. Now I do not have to wait to share this education with her. Harry and his friends get to start that conversation in my household right now.” …Jacklyn Gion – Program Coordinator- Masters in Fine Arts (Creative Writing) Stetson University

Jennifer Higginbotham HeidornHarry and Friends stories and activity books are the perfect character training tool for any parent. These stories are engaging using familiar situations that children come across on a daily basis. The character training that Harry and Friends provides has benefited our family in numerous ways including my children showing more respect, initiative, integrity, patience, and self-control. It is a resource every family needs.
Adam FergusonSome Adults Could Learn From This Book!
“Help Ringo Tame His Temper!”
As someone who is often short-fused and gets irritated easily, I can see a tremendous amount of value in ‘Help Ringo Tame His Temper.’ I think it could be an easily used therapeutic tool for families, school guidance counselors, and therapists alike. The illustrations were laid out in a fun comic book style, but also presents an opportunity to choose their own adventure…or reactions in this case; there are so many interactive elements that make it a pleasure to read. I’m so happy to have an opportunity to read this book and will be sure to keep a copy in our home library.

Alexandra AntipaAmazon Review – ‘What Should Harry Do?’ – A great book about the value of honesty!
A great book about the value of honesty and making the right choice. This is book number 7 in “The Adventures of Harry and Friends” series, with Harry, a red-headed lizard, as the main character. All of the books in the series have an educational value, teaching kids to overcome anxiety, build self-confidence and be respectful towards others.
Harry is already a famous character, and I was happy to come across this new book presenting his latest adventures. My daughter, a naughty Nelly, absolutely loved this story! Harry breaks his mom’s favorite vase, struggling to decide what he should do – make up a story or tell the truth. We can see him weighing out the consequences, opting in the end for honesty.
This is the kind of book that parents can use to strike up a conversation on making good choices. As parents, it is up to decide in which way we approach the matter, and I think books can be quite helpful. I loved the creative way the author presented the story, which is so relatable to little ones and their everyday lives. The fun illustrations, of course, added to the delight of the reading experience.
My little one was thoroughly entertained upon seeing Harry’s toys come to life, and she became rather serious when she saw how they tried to influence his decisions. She then tried to repeat the same scenario, telling me that it is always best, to tell the truth rather than make up a ridiculous story to stay out of trouble. I also took the opportunity to explain to my daughter everyone mistakes, not just kids. Adults struggle to make the right choice and I think honesty is always the best policy.
This is a wonderful book! I loved the fact that the author kept asking the reader what should Harry do; kids prefer interactive books and becoming involved in the stories they are reading. The story helped my daughter understand honesty is always the way to go. Well done!
LindseyAmazon Review – ‘What Should I Do?’- Great book about critical thinking!
This is a fantastic and very relatable story for kids who find it difficult to follow the no running in the house rule. Harry is faced with a very difficult decision after accidentally breaking his mother’s favorite vase by not following her very important rule. Kids will love the characters that come to life to try to help Harry in making this very challenging choice. A superhero, villain, and ninja minions make this story very appealing to young readers while delivering an important message and providing a conversation starter about critical thinking. Love the illustrations and comic book feel.

Elli WithrowHarry and friends are not only relatable to the kids but colorful, fun and engaging too! The activity books and stories go beyond my expectations. This program sparks joy in my child every time she participates. Character building, morals, life lessons- it’s all here. Highly recommend!