Big Emotions and Small Children: Tips to Help Kids Manage Their Anger

Children are often overwhelmed by their emotions, especially when they are young. As parents, we must help our children learn how to manage their anger healthily. Here are some tips to help kids manage their anger and strong emotions.

Accept Their Anger

The first step in helping your child manage their anger is to accept it. This means understanding that their emotions, however difficult and uncomfortable, are valid and worthwhile. It’s important to let them know that being angry is a natural part of life and suggest ways they can healthily express their feelings. Reiterate that they are worthy of love and respect no matter how they feel or what emotions they experience. Helping them feel heard, understood, and supported will go a long way toward helping them cope with their anger.

Change the Environment

Changing the environment can help your child calm down. Taking them out of the immediate situation and engaging in a calming activity, such as going for a walk or playing calming music, can be very helpful in allowing them to relax and better manage their emotions. Additionally, having some time away from the situation can provide you and your child time to cool off so that you can communicate more effectively. Doing this can also give you more time to work on problem-solving and discuss other strategies.

Communicate Feelings

It’s important to talk with your child about how they feel so that they can better understand and articulate the root of their anger. Ask open-ended questions like “how do you feel?” or “what happened?” which will help to encourage conversation and allow them to express themselves. While listening, your focus should be on understanding their perspective rather than trying to solve the problem right away. When appropriate, offer your insights but avoid being critical or judgmental, as this may make them angrier or prevent them from opening up further.

Model Appropriate Reactions

Kids learn by example, so parents need to model how to handle anger appropriately. Showing your child how to manage their anger can demonstrate healthy coping strategies and give them a valuable lesson. These include counting to 10, taking deep breaths, or walking away from the situation. Being conscious of their emotions and expressing understanding, rather than criticism or judgment, can help your child understand their feelings better and develop practical self-regulation skills.

Provide Outlets for Expression

Giving your child outlets for expressing their anger can help them manage it better. Suggest activities like ripping paper, popping bubble wrap, writing letters, or squeezing play-dough as healthy ways for them to let out their feelings without hurtful consequences. Prospective outlets should be tailored to the individual’s age and stage of development; At the same time, some may find relief in physical activities such as running or sports like martial arts, while others may opt for techniques such as journaling or talking with a friend. Remember that these outlets are essential to helping children learn to process and cope with negative emotions in productive ways.

Children’s books are also a great way to help children learn how to manage their anger. Here is a list of fun children’s books that can help and activities they will enjoy: